An Introduction
Users are the heart of DASK and we would not have an app without them. This webpage tells you about several of the main components DASK has for users.
Download DASK
Download DASK by searching DASK on the appstore or following one of the links for your device.
Customize your avatar
Customize your avatar by clicking on the avatar painting in the lounge. You can change how your avatar looks by cycling through the different customization options. Also give your avatar a name! You can give it your real name or a fun name you can think of.
Video Feed
You can view and search for videos in the video feed by clicking on the tv in the lounge. There you will find every answered question to look through.
ASK Questions
Ask questions by clicking on the question mark painting in the lounge. Feel free to ask any question that you want to know the answer to and it will be answered by a trusted YFCI staff.
Play Games
You can play two games on DASK currently. Subrun and Wackatar. In subrun the goal is to avoid hitting the kelp by tapping the screen to make your submarine go up. In wackatar the goal is to tap as many avatars on the screen as you can, but avoid tapping your own.